Thursday, August 25, 2011

Heart and Star Crayons

I've been wanting to make these up-cycled crayons for a while now.
The kids were requesting a craft this morning, so we set to working on them.

First, we picked out all of the broken crayons in our crayon bin.
Then we removed all of the wrappers.

They had to be broken into small pieces, around a half inch long.
We arranged them into these cute silicone molds that I found at a thrift store for $0.50 each.

Then we melted them in a 200 degree oven for
about 15-20 minutes.
Once they cooled, I carefully popped them out of the molds,
and Viola
New crayons! 

We made one multi-colored heart.
(It kinda looks like a face...)

These were perfect for the Baby's chubby little fingers. 
The other kids had fun drawing with them too!

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