Monday, September 5, 2011

Science - Human Body

"I praise you because I am fearfully
and wonderfully made;
   your works are wonderful,
   I know that full well."
Psalm 139:14

We had a fun week starting our first science unit, The Human Body.
I found some fantastic learning tools this summer, a few of them are pictured here:

I made each of the boys their own packet for our study. 
There is a short lesson and a basic Q and A page after that.

The idea is to introduce them to some basics about how our bodies work,
and what we need to do to make sure they keep working well.
Our approach for this unit will be mostly hands-on,
with very little "book-work" to do.

For our first week we learned about BONES...

The boys put together the Skeleton Puzzle.

Then compared the length of the bones with their own...

They learned the names of a few of the bones,
and talked about what bones do: 
they are our "framework", help with movement, and also protect our organs.
We also looked at what a bone looks like on the inside,
and I explained that parts of our blood is made in our bones.
They both found this fascinating!

After our lesson and bookwork was done,
we played a game to see what they remembered...

                                    That pretty much sums up our lesson for Bones!

                     Next Week:  Muscles

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