Tuesday, September 27, 2011

TOT School - 20.5 Months

The Baby is getting used to our new routine with TOT School,
and is really loving the one-on-one time she gets with me
doing these special activities.
She can often be found following me around throughout the day,
 while carting around one of our school bins,
saying "Pees?" (Please) or signing "more".

Here is a look at what she did this week:

She did the Dinosaur Magnet Sheet from Making Learning Fun,
and used our home-made fuzzy pom-pom magnets.

She played with our Dinozone Dinosaurs...

And made each of the dinosaurs "eat" the plants...

She also got out our bin of plastic dinosaurs...

And dumped them out...

And gave them all kisses!

She also played with some Melissa and Doug

She put them on our "magnet wall" that we made out of
a piece of tin sheeting and colorful duct tape.

Once she was done with the magnets,
she played with her Leap Frog Fridge DJ.
She loves this toy and plays with it often.
(I think we all know every song it plays by heart!)

She spent a lot of time reading, as usual.
We had a huge selection of books out for the week,
and she looked at all of them several times.
She would even follow me around with books in hand,
saying, "Pees!"

Another thing she loved doing this week,
was playing with this Feed the Dog game from Lakeshore Learning.
She used the tweezers a little, but mostly used her fingers to
transfer dog bones from the dog dish to the dog mouth.
This game came out several times this week.

I got out our Diego Dominoes for D week with the Diva
and The Baby wanted to play with them too.
First she put them in and out of our stacking cups...

Then we made a domino train...

And let the dinosaurs walk on top...

Until T-Rex came by and messed up the train!

She also did the dog puzzle from Beginner Pattern Blocks 
by Melissa and Doug.  She did very well with the circles
but was frustrated with the triangles and squares.

This is her "Hooray!" face!  Too cute!

She asked to play with the momma and baby ducks
from our game Duck Duck 123, and
practiced "Quacking" like a duck.

Here she is with more dominoes.  She loved to
pour them out and lay on top of them!

I got out our green Knobless Cylinders for her to stack
and play with.  She spent a lot of time placing them into
the white baskets and then dumping them out again.

She is really into her Leap Frog Little Touch Leap Pad.
(Look at that mess around her!  You can see she is really having fun!)

Here are just a few pictures of her having fun outside.
She loves to be outdoors, especially with her siblings.
She just recently started learning how to put on her shoes, and
will often come to us with them on the wrong feet, or half way on,
asking us "Pees?" and pounding on the door to go outside.

Every girl needs a pink Coupe!

Great work my l'il Baby!

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