Thursday, December 1, 2011

Character Building {Contentment}

Character Building Title

We are on a new adventure!

Won’t you come along and join us? We are learning how to have strong character. We are using the book, A Child's Book of Character Building, book 1, along with a bunch of other activities to round out our experience.
Character Building Contentment
CONTENTMENT: Being happy with what I have.
“I have learned the secret of contentment in every situation, whether it be a full stomach or hunger, plenty or want; For I can do everything God asks me to, with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power.”
-Philippians 4:12-13
This weeks lesson was centered around being content.  We defined it as:  Being happy with what I have. The first thing we did was write a bunch of things on our white board that we really liked having.  Things like toys, games, movies, and also things like our family members and food and water too.  Then we read the story in the bible about the rich man who asked Jesus if he could follow Him, and Jesus told him he would have to deny himself of all his possessions in order to follow Christ.


We talked about how Jesus teaches us that all we really need is food, clothes, and shelter, and everything else is a bonus.  So we went back to our list and crossed off all the things that we didn’t really need and circled what was left.  This was a great visual for the kids to help change their perspective. We also had a wonderful opportunity to thank God for providing us with so many things we didn’t need but enjoyed having.

Just like other weeks, all the kids colored the pages from the stories each day.


And learned our new memory verse and song for the week:


(Click here for a FREE printable of the song and Bible verse.)

At the end of the week they watched their Character Builders movie and the Veggie Tales Madame Blueberry which is a great lesson in being happy with what we have.
54948blueberryCharacter Builders

Character Building Obedience

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