Saturday, December 10, 2011

Moments to Remember - Superhero's and Singers


There were a few sweet moments this week. 
This one was during our circle time.
The Mad Scientist dressed as Superman and  The Diva with her arm through his. 
 I overheard her say, “Since you’re Superman, you get to save the world.”


Later that same day, The Baby found our tape player/microphone. 
 She was singing so loud, the kids couldn’t hear the health lesson I was going through with them! 
We had to keep saying, “Shhhhh….quiet!” 
 Eventually we gave up, and just all took turns singing into the microphone!



I don’t know what it is about the kids in their costumes, but I love it! 
 I know that the day will come all too soon when they think they are too old to play dress up. 
This day, both boys stayed in their super-suits all day long!



Thank you kids for these wonderful moments!  They make all the hard work so worth it...
Go save the world!
Sing your heart out!

1 comment:

  1. These are precious. I love your little boys in their super-hero costumes.

    Stopped by from Moments to Remember.


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