Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How To Make Hand Soap {a money saving tutorial}


Our family manages to go through a lot of hand soap. 
 I’ve tried switching to using bar soap,
 but the kids turn each bar into a sculpture,
 and much of that ends up down the drain or in the trash. 
 I found this recipe  for making your own hand soap. 
It cost me about $0.70, and 15 minutes to make this large refill sized bottle. 
Here’s how to do it:


Shred the bar of soap using a cheese grater.


You will need 1 cup of the soap flakes. 
The bar of soap I had ended up being about 1.5 cups. 
 Save the flakes you do not use for the next batch, in a Ziploc bag.


Combine 10 cups of water, 1 cup of soap flakes,
 and 1 teaspoon of glycerin in a large pot. 
Heat on medium high heat just until the soap flakes have melted,
 about 4-5 minutes or so. 
Allow the mixture to cool, stirring occasionally. 
 Using a funnel, pour the soap into a bottle. 
You can label it if you like. 


My kids are loving this soap! 
 They think it is neat that I made it too. 
The original tutorial that I found said that the better quality of soap you use,
the better the hand soap will turn out. 
 Our favorite bar soap is Yardley.
 The smell is mild, and it doesn’t dry out your hands.


Give it a try and let me know how it went! 
 Leave a comment, especially if you tried another type of soap. 
 I would love to hear from you!

1 comment:

  1. Found you via Women Living Well. This is a great idea! I just may have to try it!


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