Saturday, January 28, 2012

Moments to Remember {Spelling Beez}

Spelling Beez

We had a hard week. 
We spent a lot of days in our jammies,
 did very little school work,
 and mostly just camped out in front of the t.v. 
I did manage to set out a few “educational” games for those who felt up to it. 
 I came down from rocking the baby to find these two playing
our game of Spelling Beez
 Loving this moment of Isaac and Elaina taking the initiative to stay occupied
 when their tired, wore out momma was starting to get a little cranky....
So proud of you guys!


  1. That games looks like fun. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I hope you have a better week.

  2. It's so nice when they play together and occupy themselves. Hope ya'll are feeling better soon!

  3. Aren't educational games the best? Fun and learning all at once, you can't beat it! Hope you're feeling better soon. :)

  4. Thanks for stopping by the World of Wiedz. That game does look like fun. So nice they were able to occupy themselves...hopefully you got to take a couple nice deep breaths before the next thing that needed your attention.

  5. I'm sure it was a great treat to see them playing together!!


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