Saturday, January 21, 2012

Moments to Remember {A Sweet Kiss}

A sweet little kiss,
 sitting close to her big brother during an afternoon bible lesson…


So tender and sweet he is to her. 
He often will be seen holding her in his lap,
reading or playing with her. 
He offers to pour her morning glass of milk. 
Even as she wakes in the morning,
door swinging open wide,
 her voice is clear:
And she is off to look for him,
 her big brother. 
Ready to conquer the world with him.

Linking up with Moments to Remember, because I never want to forget the little things…


  1. this a moment you do want to remember for sure!

  2. Loved the picture of your precious children! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and letting me know you visited :-) This was my first post with Moments to Remember.

  3. Oh my goodness! That is so precious!


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