Sunday, January 8, 2012

Tot School- 2 Years Old!

Well, The Baby has officially turned two! 
 I guess I will have to stop referring to her as The Baby soon. 
 We managed to squeeze in a little bit of school over our break,
 since she loves it, and does so much better
 with a little routine to her days.

so she could work on a few of the activities.


Here she is doing the manger size sequencing. 
 She needed a lot of help with this,
 but had fun pointing to the baby Jesus in each one.


She colored the Animals with Baby Jesus,
 and we practiced saying all of the animal names,
and making all of the animal sounds too.



I love how she held the pen so well!


She played a little with a Nativity set that the kids and I colored and laminated last year. 
 She was able to say Jesus pretty well, and made the animal noises too.


Christmas tree magnet page with our good ‘ol pom pom magnets…


Christmas lacing…


Another part to the the Nativity Preschool Pack was colors.
We practiced saying all of the colors.
She is getting pretty good at many of the colors, but doesn't yet recognize any of them.


A new toy for her Birthday was this Little People Learning Zoo.
She has really enjoyed this set!


She had so much fun opening her presents. 
She got some cute new shoes,
and spent a lot of time putting them on and taking them off again.


She is still loving her kitchen play,
and I often find her mixing and stirring and washing
 while I am working in the kitchen too. 
We had to put the cat food up though after she made a big batch of
 Cat Food Stew that stank up the house!



She received some Color Wonder markers and books for Christmas. 
 (Thank you Auntie Joyce!) 
 She loves these! (And so do I!)
  Hopefully it will cut down on the amount of body graffiti we have around here…


I know I have mentioned it before, but this girl loves music! 
Recently she has been watching The Laurie Berkner Band
It literally captivates her attention for the whole show. 
If I was smart, I’d use this time to get stuff done,
 but The Baby is too cute to watch,
and so instead I sit and watch, sing, and dance with her.


She had her very first time in Time-Out corner. 
 I wasn’t too sure that she would stay, or understand it, but she did pretty well. 
Then she came running into my arms when the time was up
and cried Momma like she was really sorry.  Too precious…



  1. I've never heard of pompom magnets, i'm going to have to hunt some down, they look fun.

  2. Oh can I ever relate to just about everything you said! AppleBlossom loves anything that involves "Baby Jeez". :)

  3. Your little girl is so adorable! I got my little guy the Fisher Price Little People A-Z Learning Zoo for Christmas.

    Love your tot activities!

  4. Looks very fun! My 2 year old loves talking about Baby Jesus too!


  5. Happy Birthday to your not-so-baby! I'll have to check out the A-Z learning zoo - the Little People Nativity was such a huge hit in our house that I've hesitated putting it up. Maybe that would be a good replacement.

  6. We printed this pack for my daughter last year and stored it in our Christmas box and pulled it out for my son last this year. He loved it too!

  7. So sweet! I love the photo of her velcro-ing her shoes!

    You are just going to love having this blog as a record of these special years in your childrens' lives.

  8. Oh the corner! Little Man visited that too this last week. We enjoyed the baby 'chee' printables from Confessions of a Homeschooler during the holidays! Thanks for stopping by my blog!


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