Monday, February 20, 2012

Character Building {Wisdom}

Character Building Title

We are on a new adventure!

Won’t you come along and join us? We are learning how to have strong character. We are using the book, A Child's Book of Character Building, book 1, along with a bunch of other activities to round out our experience.


Character Building Wisdom
WISDOM:  Thinking God’s way.
“If you want to know what God is asking you to do, ask Him.
For He is always ready to give a bountiful supply of wisdom to all who ask”
. – James 1:5

We talked this week about wisdom. This has been a very important lesson, one that we spent much time discussing throughout our days.  We talked about people who are wise and people who are unwise, and what kind of life each has.  We prayed for God to grow our wisdom, and remind us to lean on Him when we are unsure of what to do.  This was a great time to show the kids that we as adults have to lean on God for wisdom in our lives every day. 
I want so much for each of them to know this fundamental truth:
To lean on God, in and through all things.
The kids made a great sign entitled THINK.  We made this sign to help them make wise choices.  I have actually witnessed them using it often, and love that we have it hanging up in a place that they are able to use it!  This was a great project that they were all able to do together,  and tied in perfectly with our lesson for the week.
Elaina wrote the title…

1.Is it right?
2. Is is good?
3.  Is it helpful?
4. Would my parents approve?
5.  Would God approve?

And Nate and Isaac took turns writing out the rest.
I think it turned out great!
The kids worked through the coloring pages each day as we discussed and reviewed each lesson.

We also spent time each day learning the new memory verse and song:

(Click here for a FREE printable for the Bible verse and the song.)
We ended the week as usual with our Character Builders movie.  We also watched The Veggie Tales movie Jonah.
Character Builders54948Jonah
The kids have come to really cherish this time we spend as a family in The Word!  Honestly, I’m not sure I would  be so diligent with developing this life habit for them, had we not homeschooled them.  Our family is clinging to the words in Deuteronomy 6:

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with
all your soul and with all your strength. 
These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.
Impress them on your children.
Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road,
when you lie down and when you get up.
Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.
Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.


We are so blessed to have the gift of time to cultivate a deep love and knowledge of God in our kids! We get to start our mornings with a family Bible reading and discussion. Then on go the praise songs while we do chores. (Nothing like sweeping the kitchen floor to “Counting on God!”)  We have our bible lesson in the afternoon, and spend faithful time in prayer over our meals and at the end of each day.  We have the ability to talk about God in all of our day, read His holy word whenever we want, look upon the verses hanging up on the walls.  And I love when they ask me what I am studying in God’s word too because they truly are interested. We spend time each day in memorization, so we can guard our hearts against the enemy.

My prayer is that these life habits will impact their lives in big ways! Our kids each have such big hearts for God…

What a blessed life we have! 

Character Building Tenderhearted


  1. I love this!

    Please link it up with "Look What We Did" Wednesday on my blog this Wednesday!

  2. I like the sign they made. It's cool that it was a cooperative effort.


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