Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My God is Faithful! (Part 3: Our Miracle Story)

Another baby.  Our two had just become three four months before.  We were so elated, so excited, we hadn’t even pondered if we would adopt again. 

After careful consideration, and lots of prayer, we opened our hearts and our arms to the possibility that God would expand our family in this way. 

Being unprepared to financially adopt again, the agency made unusual and extreme exceptions for us.  Friends and family financially supported us and we all experienced God in a miraculous way.  He worked through the details in a Heavenly, awesome, loving way that blew our minds!  From the second crib, to the diapers, to the money for traveling.  He covered over it all.  I believe that we stepped out in faith, and He faithfully provided for us.

We had the honor to be there at Nate’s birth too. Just three weeks after that first phone call we were there, with my sweet momma and our 5 month old son in tow.  A shriveled little dark haired baby boy, who wailed nearly nonstop, and barley weighed 6 pounds.  Nathaniel, means gift from God.  Truly he is!  A gift from God that was more than we could have hoped or dreamed of! 

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Our growing family! 
Looking back I realize how small Isaac was when he became a Big Brother!

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Isaac's first glimpse of his brother.
We knew ahead of Nate's birth that the two of them would need each other.
 We brought him home and all four of us laid on our bed, the two boys side by side, and we cried and praised God for his rich blessings! 

Life with two babies this close in age was unusual and hectic, but I found my groove and my routine and we managed okay.  By the time they were both a year old, they were napping at the same time, and I seemed to be able to keep the house clean, supper on the table, and get a shower nearly every day.  Life was good, and we were reminded often of God’s faithful provision that first year when with two in diapers and needing formula, money suddenly didn’t stretch as far as it used to.  Just as we were nearing the end of our diaper stash, someone would show up with boxes of diapers and wipes, or find a really good deal on formula and stock us up with it.  We learned that the more we leaned on God, the more we trusted Him to provide, the more blessed we became with His perfect plan for our family.

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Look at me with full arms! 
This was a common site the first couple of months...
a babe in each arm, with my hands crooked around to hold a bottle for each of them

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Nathaniel was so tiny and wrinkled next to chubby round Isaac.
They are complete opposites, yet somehow make sweet harmony within our family.
 Then just before Isaac turned 2….I found out I was pregnant!

That’s right. 

The woman whose doctors said it was near impossible got pregnant. 

(To be continued…)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a story! And, your ending has me wanting to read more. I look forward to the next post! Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind comment. Many blessings, Lisa


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