Friday, September 28, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up (Ladybugs and Spanish)

6 weeks down, and I don’t want to even count how many are left. 

This was another “character building” week around here, and I was just too worn out to do any extra planning for fun school.  Luckily, I have enough options for quick lessons and we made it work. 

Here’s a bit of what we did:


Elaina is learning about insects in her homeschool enrichment program, so she requested to do the Grouchy Ladybug pack.  Sure, why not?  She covered every basic skill in it including: ABC match-up, counting, and skip counting by 5’s, time telling, copy work, reading, and a few other things.  Sooo glad I printed this off early this summer…it was nice to have it all planned out and not have to think to hard.


We both played the Ladybug Grid Game a bunch…


She won every time!


She made thumbprint ladybugs and even embossed them with red glitter.


We finally got setup for our Rosetta Stone online Spanish curriculum.  Elaina really enjoyed it and caught on quickly without much help from me. 


Olivia had another busy week.  She painted her face with mascara and lipstick…


Grated soap to help me make laundry detergent



And played with a bunch of toys: Wedgits, ladybug bean bags, and an abacus were the favs.


Isaac had a great week!  He has been doubling-up on his math to get through to 3rd grade.  I’m so proud of how far he has come since last year in his maturity.  He has been leading the other kids through calisthenics for indoor recess because it’s been raining a lot here.  No matter what he is working on, he allows Olivia to sit in with him and sweetly encourages her to help.



He LOVES the Rosetta Stone and will probably go through the lessons quickly.  He has picked up a lot during our Spanish Circle Time too, as I speak mostly all of it in Spanish to the kids.  I’m thinking I will be adding even more to our board very soon…


The boys are both moving along with the Winter’s Promise American Story, and have made great progress in their make-your-own history books.  We have finished up with the Conquistadors this week.


Nate had another very bad week. 

For now, I am trusting that God will continue to strengthen me through this phase, but this weary momma is….


I finished up another book pack, for The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate the Wash for our farm unit next week.  Hopefully, I have the energy to put everything together that I am hoping too.

Please pray for us as we work out the details of our upcoming move.

It may prove to be an interesting month!

Linking to: Weekly Wrap-Up


  1. i try not to look at how many weeks we have to go, haha. you are doing awesome so far and i love following your blog! blessings! enjoy the weekend.


    1. I know I'd be doing myself a favor NOT to count the weeks :)
      I'm so glad you stopped by again!

  2. We are using Rosetta Stone Chinese. Up here in Canada French would be the obvious choice but my son has long been fascinated with China. That and my Chinese is as good as my French. No existent.

    I also make my own laundry soap. I bought a thrift store food processor cheap. Grating soap is all it does. When it dies it will be replaced with our food one and I'll get a better one for the kitchen.

    1. Oh that is a good idea (food processor). I don't mind the grating, but it does take a while when I make the really big batches that I do.

  3. Looks like a full week! I wish I would have started younger with my daughter with a second language!



  4. I love the Lego project. One thing I did like about Winter Promise was their exlusives, they had some fun ideas. We are only four weeks in to our school year, but on weeks 2.5 to 3.5 of our work, so we are a tad behind. It's a good thing I give ourselves 52 weeks to complete 36 weeks!

    Have a great year!

  5. I have a lot of bad weeks with my 7 year old...sigh. I like her look of determination as she grates the soap. :) Have a good week!


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