Friday, September 7, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up {a short week}

It never seems to fail, that just about the time we’ve established a new routine, a holiday weekend rolls around and throws us for a loop.

But since Saul was not working, we kept the holiday and used it for a fun family outing.  What a wonderful way to spend the day!


The three older kids had their first day at The Homeschool Academy.  Isaac didn’t have such a great day…



I’m still working on a lot of review with Elaina.  We only had two days this week for school, so we crammed in as much as we could.  Some number review and letter review


Telling time with the book, What Time is it Mr. Crocodile?


Some patterning and sequencing with teddy bears


And a fun listening game of Farm Animal Bingo on CD.  Even Olivia got to play and loved it!  She surprised me with being able to find most of the animals on her own.

She (reluctantly) worked on some sight words with this activity

Elaina is so different from the boys.  They were both very eager and early readers.  Elaina has absolutely zero interest in it right now, and I will not push her too much yet.  We work through sounding out words together when we see them, and sometimes she willingly participates and other times she frowns at me and says, “You’re trying to sneak reading in right now, aren’t you mom?

Smart girl……


The boys and I are LOVING our time working through history together.  They have started their own history books.  Isaac is having fun doing these comic book pages to tell part of his story with.


They are stretching Nate to try to draw.  He would rather spend his time writing page after page of information than attempt a sketch.  While it’s not a natural interest for him, I think that working on this project will eventually boost his confidence.  I’ve been teaching him very simple drawings and told him I will accept stick figures even, so long as he is showing me he is trying.  Sometimes, it’s the effort that is worth more than the result.



We added in our next Bible study: Abraham – God’s Brave Explorer.  This study is an inductive  Bible study, and the boys’ first experience at diving deeper into God’s Word.  Of course, true to my style, I have added several activities just because I can.  Smile   And because the kids enjoy them.


Olivia is up to her ornery self.  She makes us laugh so much with her nonstop chatter.  More and more real words are coming out of her each day, but it still seems like she is speaking a different language sometimes.

Here’s a video of a phone conversation with Saul.  Maybe you can de-code it for me?

Click here for the video if you are reading in an email.


  1. I agree about the holiday weekends throwing the schedule off. It looks like you all had a lot of fun this week! :)

    1. We did have a fun week! So glad you stopped by :)

  2. You did A LOT for such a short week!!

    I love the inductive bible study. How old we're they when they first started it?

    1. This is their first inductive bible study - the boys are 8 and 7. I'm really hoping that this is the first of many we get to do together!

  3. Can't wait to check out "What time is it Mr Crocodile?" as we start to learn a bit more about telling time! Looks like a cute book, glad I saw this. :)

    1. It's definatly a book for your own library! It's fun and the kids get to chant along and say, "What time is it Mr. Crocodile?" on each page. I can't even tell you how many times we have read that book...


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