Friday, November 2, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up {Settling In}

Our Weekly Wrap-Up

Whew!  What a week…

Though most of our unpacking is done now, and pictures and curtains are up on the walls/windows, I still feel like my “To-Do” list is a mile and a half long.  At least.  It feels really good to be settled in.  This house already feels like home to us.  I really hope we can stay a long, long time!


My parents stayed with us for the week before heading down south to Arizona on their new adventure: Retirement!  It was great to have the time with them before they move permanently.  The kids got another week off from schoolwork too to spend some quality time with their grandparents.


Isaac and Nate get to each have their own room in this house, something they have never had.  Personally, I am really liking that they have time away from each other and a bit of their own personal space.  Isaac spends each morning now, creating with Legos, and we no longer have to wake up to the fighting between the boys that we used to.  That makes for a much more peaceful start to the day!


Olivia did a teeny bit of Tot School this week.  Mostly she watched “Sheep”.  I’m going to have a major case of T.V. de-tox to go through with her next week…


The kids loved Trick-or-Treating in our new neighborhood.   Olivia was the cutest little Snow White and politely told everyone, “Tank-ewe!” after receiving her candy.  Then she screamed at the others to “wait fo meeee!” while she went running after them, and off to the next house.


I usually let the kids make pigs of themselves with the candy on Halloween night, and poor Elaina ended up throwing up most of the night. She still won’t touch her candy and boldly states, “I’m never going to eat that much candy again!”

She probably caught what Olivia and I had on Tuesday night….


I’ve been busy with one thing or another, trying my hardest to get the house in order so that by next week we can be back to normal.  Or at least pretend to be normal.  Whatever normal is…

One of my many “To-Do” projects is painting all of the old wooden doors and trim to a fresh white.  I started a small section, but quickly ran out of paint and patience as it took 3 coats to cover the old dark stain.  I guess I should probably sand it first.

That’s about it around here.  We have a big week ahead of us, just getting back into routine and caught up on schoolwork.



  1. We have those stacking pegs too! They are a favorite of the five-and-under set at our house. :-)

  2. Looks like a fun week! Ugh, painting is not fun.

  3. Glad you guys are getting settled in and you like your new house!

  4. The costumes are wonderful! Our doors look like yours, brown! I hate painting and haven't attempted to change them. I can't wait to see your "after"


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