Sunday, December 16, 2012

Elaina turns 6!

Just six short years ago, God blessed our family with this sweet girl. 

I was so excited to have a princess in the mix of my wild and busy boys, that I dressed her in pretty pink clothes and pasted a bow to her head nearly every day.  I hardly ever let her out of my arms, and Saul fretted that she would never learn to walk.

Elaina Marie

Now she is a busy Kindergartener who loves to dance, sing, tell stories, and draw.  She is my shadow, and mimics all that I say and begs to be included in all that I do.  She is so easy to love and spoil, and we do with all of our hearts! 


She is a kind and caring big sister. 
She is creative and artistic. 
She is dramatic and theatrical. 
She is beautiful and sweet.  
She has a heart for God and for others.
It was so fun to celebrate her!


She worked hard to make her birthday cake, insisting on doing as much on her own as I would allow.  She even cracked the eggs and only got a few small pieces of shell that I had to fish out.  This year she chose a favorite in our family: Chocolate Chip Cheesecake, and it was fun to have my mom be able to help too.



We honored her for breakfast by reminiscing on her birth and telling her every detail of her very special day.   She loved it, as do all of the kids.  I hope they never grow tired of this tradition!





I love how animated she is when she opens gifts.  She opened up a set of dolls from Brave, a LeapPad, some earrings, and a spy kit.


I can’t get over her in this disguise…


She asked that her birthday be spent together, watching movies, and hanging out doing girly things.  She is my quality time girl, and though she loves getting gifts, her language is best spoken in time together and memories made.


She was so proud of the cheesecake that she made, and it really was delicious!  Six candles to mark the years, gone in a flash….


A blessing was offered before dinner, for who she is and will become.  And a special birthday prayer before bed for continued health, growth, and understanding.

Happy Birthday Elaina!
We are so proud of you.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Elaina! My son just turned 6 this month too, and it's crazy how fast it has gone. Looks like she had a wonderful time!


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