Friday, December 21, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up {T’was the week before Christmas…}

This week was busy!

Though it took looking through my pictures to really remember what all we did this week.

I guess it’s pretty normal for this time of year.  I’ve got “To-Do” lists on my “To-Do” lists, errands to run, presents to wrap, baking to do… Often I feel like I am running circles trying to get everything done.  It’s a challenge every year, to balance the fun stuff with the necessary stuff, and all the other stuff in between.

The kids had their Christmas Pageant at church on Sunday.  Olivia surprised us when she willingly climbed up on the stage for all three services to sing along for her part of the show.  She wouldn’t let go of blankie, and reminded me of Linus from Charlie Brown.  All four of the kids did great actually, despite a bit of jumping, mumbling, and grumbling toward the end.  Isaac left church proclaiming that he was done singing for the rest of the week!


There was an awesome concert at our church Sunday night and after that we did our “O Grinchy Night” from our 25 Days of Christmas list. We tried out a few new treats: Grinch floats and Grinch cookies while watching the movie


Saul hasn’t had too busy of a week despite it being right before Christmas.  In fact, this season has been unusually slow, and we are getting spoiled having him home with us so much more.  It makes a real difference to have him here for dinner every night!

You’ll have to ask him why he needs so many flash drives….


Isaac tried to teach Elaina how to tie shoes.  I think it was funny that she wanted these hand-me-down converse, because they are NOT girly at all.  Smile



We read a few stories from A Newbery Christmas.  The kids loved the Beverly Cleary one about Ramona and the Sheep Costume.


And we’ve only got a few days left of our Christmas Scripture Chain.  I really like this idea and have been wondering if we can use it as a model for other family devotions in the future.  We’ve stopped trying to get it done in the morning though.  Evening is just working out better.


I was trying really hard to get in a few healthy meals, like this Almond Cran-Apple Oat Bake before making complete hogs of ourselves Christmas week.  I’ve given up though, and already am feeling chubby from the extra baking I’ve been doing.  Even the kids are in the habit of asking what’s for dessert after each meal (even breakfast!)  Oye! 

Oh well.  I guess what’s New Years without a resolution to be healthier?


We are officially on our Christmas break from homeschool.  The trick has been keeping the kids busy in a way that doesn't include hours and hours of TV watching.  They are doing prety good, but I'm sensing that Nate, who is my routine kid, is on the verge of a holiday break-down.  I did just re-stock our library books for him in hopes to keep him occupied.  Last week he read through over 20 books!

Isaac, on the otherhand has been building away. I’m so amazed at all of the cool Lego creations that Isaac comes up with!  The one on the right is a Police man walking a K-9 dog.  He even has a doughnut in his hand….


Wednesday was Olivia’s 3rd Birthday.  She wanted pancakes and bacon for her breakfast, and “helped” me by pouring half the bottle of sprinkles into the batter.   The pancakes  were a lovely shade of gray after all of the colors mixed together…


She had so much fun opening her presents and has been a busy girl since, playing with her new toys.

In case you didn’t know, my girl LOVES Shaun the Sheep.  Saul and I made her these fun cupcakes for her birthday.  Aren’t they cute?





We made our Elf Yourself crafts again.  We do this one every year, and it’s a lot of work, but I LOVE how they turn out! 



Friday we did another fun activity off of our list, The Gingerbread Man Hunt.  Once we got over a bit of holiday drama, it was fun and cute to watch them look around for the runaway Gingerbread Man and then eat him up too!



I finally made out the menu for when all of our company is here.  My mom is going to help me go shopping for all of it.  I’m sure it’ll be a two-cart trip!

We’ve got Christmas activities planned for each day up until the 25th. Tonight we are going to try and do our Christmas Tree Campout.  I’m not sure how it’ll go, especially since Saul won’t be here.  Tomorrow we have Christmas with my Dad and Step Mom, and we’ll probably try to do a family game night in the evening.

Monday we have more family that will be here, and I’m soooo excited to see my brother and my sister and her family!  I am especially excited to meet my new niece!

Our Weekly Wrap-Up


  1. What awesome Christmas activities you did this week! We have our week off starting tomorrow and I'm just gonna have to borrow a couple on your list! {wink} Also LOVE Shaun the Sheep here too- those cupcakes are ADORABLE! Again, caught up on how cute Olivia is! And lastly, feeling the same way you are with the cookies pouring out of my kitchen this month... usually the New Year's resolution is because the overindulgence caught me off guard... at least this year I can plan ahead! LOL

  2. What a fun week! We took too much time off school in November so we are still plugging away. Looking forward to a busy week next week too!
    Merry Christmas!

  3. What awesome activities! I love the Grinch cookies and the sheep cupcakes- so cute!

  4. I love all the cooking you do at your house. I especially love the Grinch punch and Grinch cookies...great fun. I love that your son is teaching your daughter how to tie her shoes. Merry Christmas!

  5. I read your entire post just to get to the elf pictures of your family!
    They are SUPER fun and adorable. What a great idea!!!! I loved your post!!!


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