Thursday, June 30, 2016

June 2016

We started summer off with a bang on a wonderful family trip to Branson. 

My dad and stepmom spoiled us rotten with a beautiful condo to stay in and lots of fun activities to do.  It was the first “real” vacation our kids have ever been on and boy was it fun to experience it through their eyes!



We got back just in time to join Surf Shack VBS at church.



Both of the boys volunteered to be Leaders In Training and served in several different ways for the week.  I’m so very proud of their hard work!


Saul and I got to sneak in a date on one of the mornings, probably our last one for the rest of the summer…


We’ve done a lot of picnic-ing this month.  It’s one of my most favorite ways to surprise the kids, although I don’t really think that it impresses them all that much.  I guess someday they will know the work and planning it takes to stuff a PB&J in a baggie and drive to a park somewhere. Winking smile


(Elaina drew us!)


My mom and dad got in from Tucson.  They took Nate for a few days for a special camping trip and then we joined them at the end of the week.



While Nate was gone camping, the rest of us got to celebrate Saul and the amazing father that he is.  He wanted to go bowling, out to eat, and then to a movie.  It was a very fun day!


(Look at all those freckles on my nose….)

We had such a great time on our camping trip.  The weather was mild, the kids were helpful, and to top it all off I felt so good!  No more leg pain makes me one happy lady. Smile



We got back from camping and one of my children (no need to name names) just couldn’t handle the relaxed summer schedule of no routine and no plans.  So we jumped right into summer school.  No harm in keeping up the basic skills during break.

At least that's what I keep telling the kids...



I’ve been taking the kids on as many hikes and long walks as possible.  They’ve been doing very well and usually only have to stop for a few short breaks.  Both Elaina and Isaac have been going to Zumba with me in the evenings too.  Nothing like a lil’ rump shaking at the end of your day!

(the sass just seriously never leaves this chic)



I read an article about how letting kids be bored in the summer is a good thing.  I really don’t understand how kids get bored so easily when there are just so many things to do for fun.  I mean look at that cat….just sitting in a box and look at how much fun he is having!


This may have been the only thing I cooked all month.  I do remember cooking on vacation, but after that it was a lot of  “fend for yourself” kind of meals and “how do pancakes sound for dinner?”  Oh well.  We’re all still pretty fat and happy.

1 comment:

  1. What a good mom you are. Love the pictures of the smiling faces.


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