Sunday, September 11, 2011

"Family faces are magic mirrors.
Looking at people who belong to us,
we see the past, present, and future."
-Gail Lumet Buckley

An old copper pot, full of carnitas, simmers on a home-made stove.
There is music playing, and a steady hustle to set up tables and chairs.

"Abuelita!  Como esta?"
{Grandmother, how are you?}
Isaac runs to his grandmother, hugs her tight.
She is beaming with pride, this gringo child
speaking in Spanish,
just for her.

The others follow, but none are brave enough to ask the same.

They peak into the pot, curious about it's contents.
The smell is familiar: party food.

Arroz, frijoles, tortillas, pico de gallo, chili rojo, chili verde
lemonada, ensalada.
The food is lined up, having been prepared and served with love.
This is part of our heritage.  Our way.

Abuelo picks up the Baby,
 praising her sweetness, her beauty, her innocence.

Cousins gather just long enough for a picture,
then run through the yard to play basketball.

There is joy, reunion.  A spirit of celebration.
A cake...

I make them stand for a photograph.
A memory for us...these sweet smiles I never want to forget...

Brothers and Sisters together.
There is talking, laughing, reminiscing...
Wild tales of yesteryear.

I am reminded of the gift that family is.
An earthly expression of God's love.
We are not called to perfection or excellence,
but to a higher, mightier purpose.
Love.  Grace.  Forgiveness.

"Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord;
and the fruit of the womb is his reward."
Psalm 127:3

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome Sarah! I love reading all your blogs. What a nice tribute to Saul's family.


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