Friday, September 9, 2011

Character Building {Attentive}

Character Building Title

We are on a new adventure! 

Won’t you come along and join us?  This fall we are learning how to have strong character.  We are using the book, A Child's Book of Character Building, book 1, along with a bunch of other activities to round out our experience.

Character Building Attentive

ATTENTIVE:  Listening with eyes, ears, and heart
"Pay attention and turn your ear to the sayings of the wise;
apply your heart to what I teach..."
Proverbs 22: 17

For our first week of our Character Building Bible Study, the kids learned about being attentive. This was a great concept for them to understand as I am often asking them to Listen! and Pay Attention! 
I love the way this book is laid out:  For 12 weeks, the children are introduced to a new character trait, memory verse, and 4 daily stories about that trait:
In the Bible, At Home, At School, and At Play.

A reproducible coloring sheet is also provided. The stories are sweet, and give a great visual understanding of the character trait. So far, the kids seem to be enjoying it.

We start off our time in praise and worship. This week we learned the song, Open The Eyes of my Heart.  I also wrote a little song about being Attentive, and made a memory page to hang in the school room.  I overheard the kids singing it several times through the week on their own - that just made me smile!
Attentive Song imageCharacter Building Attentive Verse
Click here for a printable of the song and verse.


Each day after our time of worship, we read the story together and the kids colored the coloring pages from the book. 
To demonstrate this new concept even more, we played a blindfold game where the kids had to listen attentively to the directions given to make it through an obstacle course.  We talked about how important it is to listen with our eyes, ears, and heart to be able to navigate through life’s obstacles.
Then I had the kids set up their own obstacle course for Saul to go through and gave him instructions to be attentive to the directions that they gave him. They put this big goofy hat over his eyes and lead him around the room, and laughed hysterically whenever he bumped into things! This provided an opportunity to talk about helping others to be attentive too.

At the end of the week, they got to watch the first movie in our Character Builders Set.  We also watched Veggie Tales Josh and the Big Wall  and talked about how Joshua had to listen attentively to God's directions.

Character Building Faith

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