Friday, September 9, 2011

Tot School - 19.5 Months

This was kind of a short week of school for us,
due to the Labor Day holiday and a camping trip
we had planned for the end of the week. 
We still managed to cram in a lot of fun time for Tot School!

This week was: Letter B for Bears and Bugs

The Baby spent time playing with these bug snap-together toys...

We made them into a circle...

She played with our Melissa and Doug Birthday Cake 
often throughout the week...

She really likes to pretend to eat it...

She stacked these Foam Building Blocks.
Her favorite part is to knock them over!

We read lots of books this week, including

We got this new 4 Shape Stacker, and she spent
a lot of time this week trying to figure it out...

I set our Melissa and Doug

Then she played with the bugs from our Busy Bugs play set,
and put them in and out of these stacking cups..

{love those chubby fingers and cheeks!}

She got to play with our Teddy Bear Counters...

And put them into a container...

...and pour them out!

She played with our Fridge Farm,
and practiced animal sounds...

We had a fun week playing
with our l'il Baby!

See you next week!

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