Friday, October 14, 2011

Character Building {Diligence}

Character Building Title

We are on a new adventure!

Won’t you come along and join us? This fall we are learning how to have strong character. We are using the book, A Child’s Book of Character Building, along with a bunch of other activities to round out our experience.
Character Building Diligence
DILIGENCE: Working hard to accomplish a task.
“Do you know a hard working man? 
He shall be successful and stand before Kings.”
-Proverbs 22:29

So we are about a third of our way through our Character Building Bible Study, and I must say...
Each week presents itself with plenty of challenges!
After spending a week talking to the kids about being attentive, the following week seemed to be full of me asking them, "Are you being Attentive?" and "Please! Pay Attention!"  Needless to say, I was a little worried about this week's lesson, Diligence:  working hard to accomplish a task.
This is an issue that seems to keep coming 'round here over and over again.  I know I am not the only parent who may have "motivationaly challenged" kids.  I was just left wondering how to move my kids towards valuing hard work, and the rewards of sticking with something all the way through to completion.  This weeks lesson was a great start to the kids' understanding how Jesus was diligent, and how we can be diligent at home, at school, and at play!
After reading the devotionals each day,  the kids colored the pictures from their books.

The story from the bible that we talked about was when Jesus was praying in the garden, just before being arrested.  He diligently prayed, while his disciples fell asleep.  The kids were amazed that Jesus was so diligent with his prayer, that he sweat blood from his brow! As we read and talked each day, we looked around for ways we could be more diligent:

With our daily chores.
With our school work.
With family projects.

And with our attitudes, that we must have the mindset to work hard at all that we do.

We learned our new song Diligence and practiced our memory verse too.

(Click here for a FREE printable of the song and Bible verse.)

Towards the end of the week, they got to watch our  Character Builders movie and also A Veggie Tales: Pirates Who Don't Do Anything movie.  It was a great week of study!

pirates veggie talesCharacter Builders54948

Character Building Patience

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