Sunday, October 9, 2011

Posh Princess Preschool {Letter Ee}

We are cruising right along with our letter of the week! 
Here is a look at what The Diva was up to this week...

Letter E for: Elephant and Egg

First she learned what the letter Ee sounded like.
We used our Leap Frog Word Whammer for this.

Then she learned how to write the letter Ee.
She used the worksheet from Confessions of a Homeschooler.
Then she did her Play-doh page and cut out the
 letter E with this set...

And stamped the letter E with this set.

She did the Ee card from our
which went along perfectly with our Elephant theme week.

I set out the E for Elephant magnet sheet from

She colored an Elephant page...

And did her letter Ee hunt...

And then circled the smallest E object.

We finally got out our Inchimals.  All of the kids have
been so excited to use these!  Each animal has a
different measurement from 1-12 inches. 
There is a wipe-clean booklet that comes with them.
 There are simple math problems in it, and I wasn't sure the Diva
would be ready for it.  But she totally surprised me!  She did great!

One Frog + One Penguin = One Bear

What a fun way to do math and measurement!

We got out our Elephant costume for play this week.
I think she makes an adorable elephant!

A new learning toy we have is this
Magnetic Designer from Lakeshore Learning.
She has been practicing her letters on it and drawing pictures too.

Here's another fun activity I came up with:  I
 got out some of our plastic Easter Eggs, and filled them with small objects from 1-10. 
I hid them all throughout the school room, and sent her on a hunt to find them. 
Once she found all 10 eggs, she opened each of them and
matched them to our number flashcards from 1+1+1=1.

She had so much fun with this activity, and did very well with her number recognition!

We are still using our Gear Builders a lot, and this week the Diva
did some letter practice with them.

Another fun review activity is watching Leap Frog: Letter Factory.
She gets to watch it towards the end of each week.

One of her chores this week was kitchen helper,
though it never feels like a chore to her since she loves to help cook!
Here she is helping make "Sloppy Saul's" (or Sloppy Joe's).
We used my grandmom's recipe and I told her it was a special one.
It was so cute when her brothers asked her how she made them, she grinned and
told them, "It's an ancient secret!"

It is so fun to watch her confidence grow
each week as she learns new things!

Great job my l'il Diva!

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