Sunday, October 9, 2011

TOT School - 21.5 Months

This has been a fun week for The Baby as we finally are back in our school room
(after the remodel and mold problems). 
She loves having access to all of her fun toys again,
and seemed to make a mess wherever she went! 
Here is a glimpse of what she did:

She spent some time working on this Geometric Stacker.

We played with these Ladybug Number Bean Bags.
First we counted them, then practiced saying the colors.

Then we stacked them up,
so she could knock them over!

She had fun trying to balance them on her head...

Then tossed them into an empty bin.
This was great for her motor skills!

She played a lot with our Magnetic Designer from Lakeshore Learning
and seemed amazed every time she was able to move the pieces with the magnet.

Another favorite toy is this shape stacker similar to this one.

She is getting better each week with this.

Reading with big Bro...

The Baby also got to do a few of our Elephant activities.
Here she is doing the Elephant Shape Sorter.

And the E for Elephant Magnet Page from
Making Learning Fun and our homemade pom pom magnets.

She is really improving with her puzzle skills.
This Chunky Wooden Safari Puzzle is one she really like to do.
I usually tell her the names of the animals, and what sound they make.

I got out our magnetic elephants for her to play with.
They come apart into 4 pieces: head, body, and two sets of legs.
She has had fun putting them together and then taking them apart again.

She played with The Diva, and they both pretended to be elephants.
We even taught the Baby how to sound like an elephant, and she crawled around and
"trumpeted".  It was too cute!

This was a big week for The Baby because
she learned how to swing on the big swing!
Well, sit on the swing, while being pushed...

She spent some time with the Mad Scientist checking out a pine cone.

Good job my sweet l'il Baby!

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