Monday, December 19, 2011

The Minivan Express & A visit to see Santa

Full of vibrant, beautiful illustrations, the classic children’s Christmas book,
The Polar Express has always been a family favorite. 
Here’s the Sanchez spin on the book…

I’d been out Christmas shopping most of the day, leaving the kids at home with Saul.  We’d been planning to have this special night, and surprise the kids with a new family tradition.  I made up these Minivan Express Tickets, and placed one on each of the kids’ bed.  They thought they were going to get ready for bed, but instead found these tickets! 


I made up a huge batch of cinnamon popcorn, and threw some goodies into bags.  Then I mixed up some mugs of hot cocoa for each of them too.


Once their tickets were punched, they loaded into the Minivan Express!  Sipping on the cocoa, and nibbling the popcorn, we drove around to look at Christmas lights, and then headed off to see the Big Man,
 ol’ Santa himself!


Tickets punched, hot cocoa in hand, and ready to board the Minivan Express!


The kids thought it was strange to be at the mall in PJ’s!



Isaac: Legos 
 Nate: Light Sabre 
Elaina: Hello Kitty 
Olivia: (as suggested by the others) a Doll

We will definitely add this to our Christmas traditions!


  1. What a wonderful idea. I love it... and I can tell your kids did, too - they all look so happy!!

    Thank you for linking with Three Thinking Mothers this week!

  2. Before my girls were home schooled their kindergarten teacher did this very same celebration. I was always amazed at how she was able to fly under the radar of the administration, who shut down every possible fun activity (especially those related to holidays)! The Polar Express Day is one of their favorite school memories.

  3. I love this! I am so glad that you linked up with Three Thinking Mothers and that I found your blog. I love this tradition, your blog, the photos! I look forward to following you!

    And I would love to know how to make cinnamon popcorn! that sounds awesome!

  4. Thank you so much for your kind words! I make the cinnamon popcorn in our whirly-pop popcorn pan. It takes about a teaspoon of oil, 1/3 cup raw popcorn, and 2 Tablespoons of cinnamon sugar mix. I don't add the cin/sugar mix though until just before the corn starts to pop. After it is done popping, you can sprinkle a little more of cin/sugar ontop. It's so good and way quicker than carmel corn to make. Let me know if you try it out!

  5. How fun! What an awesome tradition you've started with your kiddos:) Thanks for sharing with TTM.

  6. This looks like it was so much fun for your family! And, I agree, cinnamon popcorn sounds so yummy :)

    Thanks for linking with TTM this week!


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