Tuesday, December 20, 2011

a special gift

It was late in the afternoon when the brown paper wrapped box was delivered. 
The girl noticed right away, her name spelled on the front, next to her sister’s. 
 Is it a present momma?  For me? 


She squealed with delight the moment the box was opened, and she spotted the dolls,
one with dark curls and the other much more fair with pigtails. 
A simple note penned on the card, attached with curly ribbon,
 “This is a special doll of mine, and I want you to have her now.”



The curly haired one has been changed, swaddled, fed, and carried around all week. 
 She sleeps near bunny FooFoo, and Big bear, a place of high honor in the middle of her bed. 
A friend asked The Diva what her favorite birthday gift was. 
 It’s my doll.  She’s especially for me.  From The Aunt Judy who loves me. 


Thank you Auntie!

Linking up to Tuesdays Unwrapped today.


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