Tuesday, December 20, 2011

an ordinary momma…

She asks to make tea with me, a frequent request of hers.
  “A big girl cup, with cream and sugar, just like you, Mom.” 
 We wait in the kitchen for the tea to steep,
 watch as the leaves in the bag tint the water clay brown. 
 She giggles when I whisper that I love her, spend this time with her. 
 She offers to stir, and swirls the mixture of herbs and sweetness, pausing after a little spills over. 
 Sorry, Mom.  I should slow down.


I think that all I want is to slow down.  To just take it all in, and breathe in these moments, this perfume of life, as sweet and herby as it is.  We laze at the table, a stack of books to the side, slurping our tea, and pointing our pinkies just so.  Like a princess does.  She models my motions, and drinks when I do, watching carefully so as not to miss a beat, and I pretend not to notice her contemplate me while I read.   Instead, I am wondering what fascinates her about me.  I am an ordinary woman, with simple looks, a quick temper, and a pushy personality.  Nothing, in my eyes, worth imitating.  Nothing fancy, or glamorous, or interesting.

The mound of books gets smaller, and we read until it’s gone, all the while sipping and smiling, her following me.  Until the last drop is finished, and she runs off to play, and I am left to ponder…

I start to see, to understand, and become overwhelmed at the significance of her mimicking me.  How did I earn this right as mother?  So precious are these littles whose lives I am to shape. 

Thinking of Mary, mother to the Christ, an ordinary woman, who found favor with the Lord.  Who loved the Lord, faithfully serving  Him alone. How did she earn such an honor, to birth  The King, The Lord Redeemer, who came as person from heaven?  Just a babe, born in a barn full of filth and noise. Swaddled in scraps of cloth, his tender flesh to lay on mounds of scratchy, dirty hay. Nothing fancy, or glamorous about that either…   

And Mary said:
   “My soul glorifies the Lord
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has been mindful
   of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed,
for the Mighty One has done great things for me—
   holy is his name.
– Luke 1:46-49

Me, an ordinary woman, serving an extraordinary God. I know I am the light they see, His Holy Spirit shinning through me.  I am the one, who they will model after, until the day they can choose to model Christ.  The fascination that she holds, has to be for the Christ I show to her.  His words modeled in my actions.  Oh how I need my Lord to teach me how to do this…

Show me your ways, LORD,
   teach me your paths.
Guide me in your truth and teach me,
   for you are God my Savior,
   and my hope is in you all day long.
Remember, LORD, your great mercy and love,
   for they are from of old.
Do not remember the sins of my youth
   and my rebellious ways;
according to your love remember me,
   for you, LORD, are good. –Psalm 25:4-7

just me.  an ordinary momma.  my extraordinary God, who graciously fills in the gaps.

Linking up Women Living Well Wednesdays today.

1 comment:

  1. This is so beautiful! Your daughter is so sweet! you are going to love having these memories written down for posterity.

    I love your blog!


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