Saturday, February 11, 2012

Moments to Remember {Sisters}


Elaina spends a lot of her time trying to control Olivia.
 I feel like I spend a lot of my time, reminding Elaina that she is not in charge of Olivia.
 I was so pleased this day to find her sharing her coloring book,
and encouraging Olivia with sweet words. 

My two girls.
 Both strong willed, independent,
 know-what-you-want, tell-it-like-it-is, girly girls. 
Boy, am I in trouble….

Linking up with Moments to Remember again.


  1. What a sweet picture! I find myself in that situation with my older son trying to control his brother. I thought he was just bossy...I guess it's a big sibling thing! :)

  2. That is a lovely, beautiful photo. I have the same trouble with my youngest two boys. They are always trying to control each other!


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