Sunday, February 12, 2012

Tot School - 26 Months

Even though Olivia has been sick the past few weeks,
we have managed to get in some good Tot School time. 
She really loves this time of our day together,
and it is getting so fun to watch her progression and witness her learning and development.

Here’s a look at the past few weeks:

To go along with the “O” theme week that her sister was doing,
I got out this fun set of ocean animals we have.
I placed them in coordinating colored cups so we could practice saying color names.

She had a lot of fun with these little animals,
and refused to share them with the others…
This was the first time she said, “Mine!”



I set out all of her “Olivia” books, which she is in LOVE with! 
We read them so many times. 
I think it is sweet how she points to each of the pictures as she “narrates” to me!

She wanted to play with our Oreo stacking game. 
She wasn’t able to match them up,
 but still had fun stacking them and then knocking them over!

These blocks were a prized favorite this week. 
She carried around the bag of them all over the house. 
We heard “Mine!” about these blocks too.
I guess it’s time to work on sharing….

I set out these cute block farm puzzles,
and we worked on animal names and sounds. 
Mostly she just wanted to stack them though.


She played a little with this magnetic field and wand set. 
She was very impressed how it moved around and kept saying “Oooo!”


We had a bunch of Ocean themed books out for Elaina, and Olivia loved them.
She would carry them around saying “fish” and “water”.

She had no desire to fill in the magnet page this week, but did want to color it in.

I love how intent she is when she is coloring…

We had a fun time playing with Play-doh,
and she totally impressed me by sitting in her chair for an hour
making these cute little critters, and mashing and slicing the dough.

This was her first little critter! She made it all by herself!




We’ve had a few snow storms lately,
and she got to go out and sled with the other kids. 
She loved it! 
This cute little snowsuit used to be Elaina’s. 
So glad I saved it!
olivia snow


  1. She's such a cutie! Love the little critters she made out of playdoh.

    Liam started in with the "mine" stuff at about the same age. It must be programmed to start around then. LOL!

  2. My little guy (32 months) LOVES play dough too. I am always amazed with how long he is content to sit there and play with it. I think our record is 1 hour 45 min.!

  3. great activities, i love the animal colour matching


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