Sunday, March 25, 2012

Character Building {Thankfulness}

Character Building Title

We are on a new adventure!

Won’t you come along and join us? We are learning how to have strong character. We are using the book, A Child's Book of Character Building, book 1, along with a bunch of other activities to round out our experience.

Character Building Thankfulness
THANKFULNESS:  Being grateful and showing it.
“I will enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. 
Give thanks to Him and praise His name.”
-Psalms 100:4


This weeks lesson was on Thankfulness, a trait I have been gently guiding in each of them since they could talk, and learned how to say the words Thank You.  Though I am certain that each of them know how it feels to be grateful to receive something they wanted, or to be thanked, I have often wondered how deep the gratitude goes.  It’s one thing to say thank you for a cookie, and another to say thank you to God for all the blessings He has poured out. 

How can one truly be thankful for all that they have, unless they have gone without….

Our kids are so incredibly blessed. 

I hope that one day they grow up to realize it!

Our stories this week were perfect for the subject at hand:

 The woman who wanted to show her thankfulness to Christ,
washed Jesus’ feet with her hair, and poured fragrant perfume on his head. 

A little boy who had too many toys, so he gave some to a needy family
who were so thankful to receive them. 

Students whose teacher is out sick miss her and decide to show
their thankfulness with special cards. 

And a family whose car breaks down, but still thank God for
providing a way to make the needed repairs. 

There was a lot of natural discussion that came up this week, which provided for great reinforcement.  I also got lots of extra “Thank you” s! 


We did a cute craft to go along with our lesson.  We made signs that said,

“Don’t worry, be thankful!” 
Basically I just had the kids do some stamp painting on their signs.




I think they turned out pretty cute!

Of course we watched our Character Builders video and also saw the Veggie Tales movie Pistachio, which is all about the consequences of not being honest.

Character Builders54948pistachio

Character Building Honesty

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