Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tot School–27.5 Months

Olivia has had very little interest in doing school this week, which is really unusual for her.

She has instead preferred to be in my arms, or watching her beloved "band" on Netflix.

There were a few activities that I got her interested in, but most of them were cleaned up quickly, by her, after I sat them in front of her.  Too funny…


She seemed to enjoy this Lacing Beads in a Box set from Melissa and Doug.




And she sat to do a puzzle. One time.
Then she put all the pieces back into the bag and said, “All done!”.


She did a little Beginner Pattern Blocks too.  Just the dog, and then she was done.


Coloring has become a new favorite activity of hers.  She is no longer interested in using the magnets with these magnet pages, but asks to color them instead.  That’s OK too!


She saw her sisters magna doodle board and asked to draw on it.
That was quickly set aside too.


The one thing that did catch her attention this week were the Water Beads. 

She scooped them with a measuring spoon into a small cup and then poured them back out. 


I kept them in a bin near the table and she asked to play with them several times each day. 

Which meant that we were chasing escaped water beads several times each day.

She did very well though, and mostly remembered to keep them in the bin, and out of her mouth. 

I have a stash of these in different colors and I’m sure that we will be playing with these often. 
They are pretty fun!



She got her own felt board and letters for our circle time activity, Click Clack Quackity Quack.


She’s been into the Honey Bee Tree set a lot lately, though it doesn’t keep her attention for as long as it used to.  I was impressed at how well she was able to stick the leaf sticks into the slots!


My sweet little girl.
Growing up too fast…

Linking up with Tot School and Confessions of a Homeschooler.

1 comment:

  1. She is such a doll! I really need to remember to grab some of those water beads. They look so fun!


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