Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Here’s a peak at what’s been going on around here lately:


I’ve been baking up a storm, which is weird for me.  I like to cook, but baking has never been a strength of mine.  It could have something to do with the cooler weather, and getting back into the routine of school.  Or it could be all the yummy Pinterest recipes. 

I made these Baking Powder Biscuits to go with Beef Stew one night.  They were so good!  I used this recipe for inspiration, but the original comes from my aunt.  Hers are still better


After hearing that we would have to move the end of the month, we gathered up all that we didn’t want and had a garage sale.  I love going to garage sales, but having them is so much work.  The boys set up their own sale and made a whopping $1.25 to split with each other.  Now that we only have a month left in this house, we can actually park in the garage.  Not that we will.  You know, cause garages are not really for cars, right?


I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw the cat with this bib around his neck.  Apparently, the girls are teaching him manners.


And then I saw this, Olivia spoon feeding him while he was laying down.  I need to remember to wash that spatula….


Isaac drew his Sunday School teacher and all the kids in his class too.  I really love watching his creativity bloom!


Both of the boys got haircuts.  Since I don’t like having too much hair drama, and I already have two hair diva’s, we keep the boys’ hair pretty short.  Can you just see how excited Nate is about having his hair cut?  bahahaha!


Our cat “Duck” is starting to become a bit wild.  He is still pretty snugly and sweet, and very tolerant of all that the girls put him through, but I think he has hit his feline adolescence.  I don’t really know if that is a for real thing.  It just seems like we are all constantly yelling, “No Duck!”

My kids will do anything for dessert, which has become more and more rare around here since I've been trying to lose weight.  One thing we've done forever, is make the kids sing for their dessert.  Sometimes, it's a song and a dance.  They will all happily do it, if it means dessert, and often will even offer to do an encore for second helpings.  I guess it's my way of giving them a public speaking opportunity.

Here is one of Isaac's songs.  The song is totally inappropriate (you can thank Saul for that) and I'm sure has several references to drugs and other less than desirable activities for an eight year old to sing about.  (Click here for the video if reading in an email.)

That's about it around here.  What's new with you?

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