Friday, November 9, 2012

The Poky Little Puppy {Free Book Pack!}

Poky Little Puppy Box
Kindergarten Ideas for Poky Little Puppy Free Printables
I have another FREE Book Pack for you today!  This pack is for one of our family favorites: The Poky Little Puppy by Janette Sebring Lowrey.  It is a 16 page pack of consumable and re-usable resources to help expand your child’s experience with the book.  I have also included several extra ideas in the planning pages.
Click here to print the pack:
To start, we read through the book each day.  After the second day, Elaina wasn’t to interested in listening to the story any more.  She would have preferred to “read” it herself to me, or read something else altogether. 
Each day, I would ask new questions about the story like, “Where would YOU like to explore in the wide wide world?” and “Why do you think it is important to obey your parents?”  Just to get her thinking in a certain direction.  Then I let her choose the activities from the pack in the order she was interested in.
Animal Sort:  There were lots of animals in the story, and we talked about each one and did this animal sort and sorted the animals by various differences.
Story Vocabulary Cards: We used the Read, Build, Write mats from Homeschool Creations with the vocabulary cards for a bit of spelling work. This time she used the scrabble pieces (great for upper-lower case matching!)
Number Clip Cards: She still prefers the large clothespin clips over the smaller ones had originally set out for her. And yes, she is looking rather cross-eyed in this picture…


Roll-And-Graph:  She always enjoys the Roll-And-Graph games and usually wants to make a competitive game out of them. I’ve included cards to insert into a photo cube as well as a cube template you can cut out and tape together. (I run the template through the laminator, cut out, fold and tape. Then I store all of the assembled cubes to our units together in a plastic shoebox. )



Make-Your-Own Sign:  She made her very own sign to “warn” the puppies not to dig. Then she asked if she could cut it out and tape it to her door. Sure, why not?




Bible Verse Worksheet:  The Bible verse for the week was Ephesians 6:1:
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right.”
This story is perfect for discussing obedience!  Elaina said they should have named him the naughty little puppy….


My 5 Senses:  This was her favorite part of the week: the 5 senses experiments!  Since the poky little puppy was so good at sniffing out the yummy desserts, I had Elaina sniff out a few different foods and try to guess what they were.


She guessed the cinnamon and vanilla easily, but couldn’t figure out the others.


I had her reach into a bag as well to feel a few objects for the Touch sense.  After that she listened to a few instruments to guess what she was hearing.  The most fun card though was the taste card.  I’ve included a fun video of her making her guesses.  (Click here if reading through email.)


Location Cards:  Just like in the story, where the puppy explores the wide wide world, we used the location cards to learn about different things we might see on an expedition of our own.  Then she painted a mural and incorporated each of the 4 locations.




Puzzle Game:  Match up the puzzle pieces with the roll of a dice.  Elaina loves this one too!



I pulled out the DOGS Preschool Pack and a few other dog themed toys for her to play with:


Feed the Puppy, Pet Block Puzzle, Dog Bones! Rhyming Game, and Good Dog Carl.  The picture above is a compound word file folder game I made a long time ago for the boys.


She also watched this cute video: The Poky Little Puppy and the Patchwork Blanket, and read through all of our dog books.


Then to finish off the unit we made a few recipes: Puppy Chow, and Chocolate Delight!

This was a fun and easy unit, perfect for getting back into the swing of things after our move! 

Book Pack Box
All of the Book Packs are provided free of charge,
and I hope that they enrich your homeschool experience
and make your planning a little easier!
I would love to hear from you if you have used these book packs.
Please link back directly to my blog, not the document link provided.


  1. I'm visiting your blog via Preschool & Kindergarten Corner at Homeschool Creations AND now following you. I LOVE your blog! Great ideas and resources. Now I want to find my Poky Little Puppy book.

  2. Thanks so much for the printable pack, love it!

  3. We LOVE the Pokey Little Puppy! This was read to me as a kid. Thank you so much for taking time to make this and share it with us.

  4. Do you have the dog compound word activity available to download? I would love a copy.


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