My sweet friends gave me this beautiful Hydrangea for my Birthday! Aren’t I lucky?
Elaina has been bugging me to cut her hair. I was thinking more of a trim, just a few inches. In the end, she asked me to cut around 6. It’s still really long though, since she was almost able to sit on it….
Olivia thought she had to have a turn, so I trimmed up her bangs and evened out the ends.
Ever since Isaac got back from camping, the boys have been Lego-maniacs!
If I can keep from stepping on them, then it's fine by me if they play them all day...
Nate’s especially happy to have Isaac back!
We kept school pretty simple this week since we are gearing up to start off our new school year pretty soon. I’m thinking the first week of September we will officially start new grade level stuff, but I am still waiting to get some of our curriculum.
We’ve had a ton of rain, which is really unusual for Colorado. Especially in August. Usually everything is yellow and dry.
Instead we have nice green grass and huge mushrooms growing all over. I mean huge! Like as big as Saul’s hand.
That’s a lot of mushrooms!
I’m getting Olivia’s Preschool plans finished up. Hopefully it’s easy peasy since I’ve already done it with the other kids.
Still eating healthy, lots of Salad, stir fry, and even some soup. The day I made chicken noodle soup, I found a two legged carrot! Very cool. I let Isaac and Elaina pull it apart like a wishbone. Elaina won.
She almost always wins the wishbone pull.
Saul is working this weekend, and we don’t have much of anything planned.
What are your plans for the weekend?
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