We had a fun weekend up north celebrating our nieces graduation.
There’s nothing quite like watching a small person grow up and graduate to make you realize how old you are getting…
It kind of put a crazy real perspective on those four short people in the picture, who will soon enough (and Lord willing), be donning their own cap and gown and trying to figure out what to do next with their lives.
Really boggles my mind to think that far.
We got back from our fast but wonderful trip, just in time to discover that a bird had settled in our fireplace. A fine place to nest, I’m sure. Just not too terribly convenient for us.
The cat went bizerk, climbed up the chimney, caught the bird, and in the process bathed himself in soot. After cleaning up the filthy cat and the four year old, who somehow ends up always in the middle of any sort of mess, the bird decided to make an appearance and flew into the living room.
Now I, being the sort of person that I am, screamed so shamefully loud, that I scared the bird who then crashed into the wall and knocked himself senseless for a minute or two. I don’t really know how long actually, as I was trying to swallow my heart, which had suddenly launched into my throat. A difficult thing really.
You may be wondering where the children were this whole time, and I will tell you: they were laughing at me. The audacity…sniggering under their chuckles, it’s just a bird mom.
Yea…so…I know that...
After spending a few moments trying to figure out what to do with the suddenly resurrected avian at large in my house, I managed to convince him by force of a broom to skedaddle out the patio door. I did make it clear as day, that he was in no way invited back and should definitely not be spreading the word that the Sanchez’s have a wonderful chimney to inhabit should any other bird be in need of housing this spring.
I know what you’re thinking. Crazy right? People, you can’t make up this kind of crazy…
After a pretty long stretch of doing school without any breaks, we ended up taking off last week. Which was instantly a disaster. By Tuesday the kids were moping around, bickering, and even used the “B” word…bored.
That’s fine by me really. Using the “B” word around here finds you with a broom or a toilet brush in your hand, and a list of chores to complete until you’re not bored anymore. I will tell you – the house was spick and span all week long, even if it was inhabited by crabby bickering children.
I tried my best to convince them that the backyard was fun and fascinating. That lasted about 9.5 seconds. Olivia is the best occupied out there - that girl touches more creepy crawly things than I think any little girl should. I have to brace myself when she comes at me with cupped hands and says, “Look Mom!”
Ah….do I have to?
We tried the normal sort of break-from-schoolish-things, like playing at the park, swimming, and board games. I ended up resorting to mandatory long walks in the evenings just to wear them out. At least I could keep my earphones in and tune out the squabbles with some loud music. Hmmm? What? Can’t hear ya…listening to music…
At the end of the week, the girls had their check-ups. Of course Elaina waited to tell me an hour before the appointment that she had no clean panties, so commando she went. Which made stripping down for her shot a bit interesting. Yea. I’m that mom, who doesn’t do laundry until my kids are begging for clean undies…
Both girls had to get shots again, and I’m happy to report a vast improvement over last years’ kick the nurses and bat the needles out of their hands episode that Elaina did. (That girl knows how to bring the drama.) This time she settled for a short scream and only threatened to kick the nurse. Proof yet again that bribery works, and should be used at all costs to avoid repeating the abovementioned scenario. That was horribly embarrassing.
They both checked out great, but the doctor did recommend that we move forward with speech therapy for Olivia. We are just waiting for insurance authorization to get started.
Nothing too fancy or new in the way of cooking this week. We need to get the grill cleaned up so we can cook outside. The kitchen is starting to get sooo hot by dinner time.
This is the time of year when salad always sounds good for dinner. The kids are a lot less enthusiastic about salad for dinner every night though, so I made them Tostadas, Sweet and Sour Chicken Thighs with Elote (corn), and Spaghetti Carbonara.
I finally found gluten free bread crumbs so that I could make meatballs. And I’m lovin’ this Coconut milk for smoothies since I’ve gone dairy free now too. I really don’t know how much more I will have to eliminate. Why does getting older mess up your digestion so much?
We’re gonna punch the clock with regular school hours this week and shoot for a calm and (hopefully) normal week. I’ve got to start going through the kids’ summer clothes and figure out who needs what for this hotter weather we’re having.
What are you doing this week?
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