Isaac managed to get through Homeschool Academy this week without inflicting any injuries upon himself.
He also had a really solid week completing his school work each day, without any additional drama, and even had free time each day. Phew! I can’t tell you what a relief it was…
Getting your school work done by lunch everyday is pretty sweet.
He and I are working through 40 Days in the Word, a study our church is sponsoring, and it’s been really nice to do it together. That is definitely a bonus for having him home with me. January through February is Choice Enrollment for the school districts around here, so we have to get cracking with our decision about where we are sending him to middle school. It’s honestly an overwhelming process because there are so many choices here.
Nate had a great week! He brought home his report card for the second quarter grades and was so proud of himself for making the Honor Roll! He is working on writing fictional narratives in his GT class and is very excited each day to share what he is writing. I really really love to see Nate be motivated to work hard at something he enjoys!
Elaina had a better week too. She seems to be over her drama about “sharing” her homeschool with her eldest brother. She spent most of her energy with a positive attitude, being super helpful, and sweet to her baby sis.
We started Whales this week in Ocean Science and she is loving that! I put together a small literature unit to go with it using the book, “The Snail and the Whale.” So fun!
Each of the kids took turns this week preparing lunches for each other, and Olivia helped me with a couple of breakfasts. They are getting good enough now that it actually is a help to have them do it – before, it was an extra big mess for me to deal with.
Olivia seems to be enjoying the laid back approach we are taking with her school lately. No theme work or laid out plans. She and I just choose 4-5 activities each day to work through together, and then she spends the rest of the day playing. I’m starting to get a rough calendar of work put together for her to officially start Kindergarten, which we could start any time now. I think I’m just holding on to her being my last one and so I don’t want to rush any of it.
I got an itch to start my spring cleaning a little early. I’ve only done three rooms so far, but at least it’s a start. I’m always amazed a how scuzzy the walls and cabinets get between deep cleanings. I’m muttering “what IS that splattered on the wall?” and “ewe…is that pee?” yuk!
On top of spring cleaning, it’s time to go through closets. I’ve got four kids that are growing out of their clothes again…especially Isaac and Olivia.
I’ve been cooking pretty simple meals: Citrus Pork Chops, Tarragon Chicken with Parmesan Rice, Chili. We tried a new Gluten Free Chocolate Cookie for movie night that was really yummy, and I made frosted cupcakes for the kids one night too.
We have another simple week ahead of us, which suites me just fine. I am so excited to host Girls Night this Friday, and I’ll probably try to squeeze in a little more Spring Cleaning while I have the time.
Of course having the energy is a whole other issue.
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