We took a break from letter-of-the-week to do a mini theme week. Olivia had a lot of fun, but I barely had enough to keep her busy. She was done with all of her boxes in two days, and had no interest in repeating any of them. Lucky for me, she was really interested in playing in the playroom with her dolls and didn’t bug me at all about needing something to do.
P is for Pumpkin Handwriting Page (COAH)
Letter Hunt Worksheet (COAH)
Lifecycle of a pumpkin
6 Step Sequencing Cards Jack-O-Lantern
Rectangle Discovery Box
Dry Erase Name Card
ABC Lacing Blocks
This blew me away: She found the blocks and spelled her name! (all but the second i)
Primary Science Set
I asked her if she wanted to be a Mad Scientist.
“No thank you. I not mad.”
Halloween Lacing Set
Spiders Fly Counting Cards, Plastic Spiders
Spider Math Mat, dice
Spider Rings (dollar store)
Olivia loved these little spiders. She named one of them Garfield and kept hiding it on Saul trying to scare him. Then she would crack herself up laughing.
Olivia really loves these math mats. She plays them very simply by rolling and counting, which is perfect for 1:1 correspondence. They are pretty versatile though and can be used for addition, subtraction, counting money, and misc. other activities.
I taught Olivia the 5 Little Pumpkins and Jack-O-Lantern songs. The library was clean out of Halloween books, so we only read these ones that we own:
The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything
Skeleton Hiccups
Corduroy’s Halloween
The Pumpkin Patch Parable
She played some with the orange and black play-dough, and pumpkin and ghost cookie cutters. Then she matched up “costumes” with this Who Am I game.
We took all the kids to Trunk-or-Treat last weekend and Olivia was the only one who went through all of the trunks. She loved it and happily participated in all of the activities.
Halloween night she chose to dress up as Cinderella the married one.
See the rest of Scary School here.